Saturday, April 16, 2011

Palm Sunday

This Sunday is Palm Sunday when we remember Jesus' purposeful  and deliberate entry into Jerusalem riding on a donkey , hailed as King along the way he went to meet His death. It is the end of Lent and the beginning of Holy Week. Many churches give out crosses made of palm leaves at the Sunday service today , here in the Philippines we will buy palaspas which are elaborately  hand woven palm branches. They are  for sale along the road sides . If your church does not follow the tradition here are some  instructions for making them at home. (This site asks for a small donation )

I enjoy cooking and believe that food is an integral part of celebration and worship and this year I have been introducing some ideas into our menus that symbolize or illustrate the festival being celebrated, just for fun. For dessert on Sunday we are going to  have Palm sundaes .  Here in the Philippines we have an abundance of very cheap coconut and I regret that I have not used it often enough when cooking. So I decided to have a ago at  making fresh coconut icecream for our sundaes using coconut cream I made myself as described in the recipe. It was not too hard to do at all .  Palm Sunday is also known as Fig Sunday because of the story in Mark and Matthews gospel that Jesus wanted to eat figs on his way into Jerusalem. In England it is traditional to serve Fig pudding , so you could make this your Sunday lunch dessert.

Shortbread palm biscuits ready for Sunday.

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